Aadharshila Vidyapeeth, CD Block, Pitampura is an institution which aims for achieving excellence in education. Continuous strive towards qualitative improvement creates a need of professional development of educators. It has been ensured that training, workshop and seminars are regularly organised for continuous enrichment of teacher’s knowledge as well as professional quality. These trainings are provided by CBSE, NCERT, DIET and other educational organizations.

The main topics covered in the various training programs are:
- Safe online communication
- Counseling Approaches
- Life skills
- Mental Health
- Pedagogical Perspective
- Cyber safety and security
- Development of e content interactive resources
- Online financial security
- Adolescent and peer education

Every session had three important parts imparting of knowledge and training, assessment of trainees and their certification. These trainings have helped teachers in updating their knowledge and imparting education in best possible manner. Resource organizations provide training in both Online and offline mode. This not only fulfills the provisions of New Education Policy, but also helps the institution in getting the desired qualitative improvements.