“Free the child’s potential and you will transform him into the World”
Maria Montessori

Early childhood is a time of remarkable growth with brain development at its peak. It aims at the holistic development of a child’s social, emotional, cognitive and psycho motor skills in order to build a solid foundation for life long learning and well being.
Early childhood care is essential as it is a pre requisite for the beginners to start their journey, to explore new things and develop a positive attitude which is helpful in developing cognitive skills. In this children learn to communicate and develop receptive and expressive language through participation in conversation, story time and experimenting with drawings.

In early childhood, the tiny tots grow with the concept of sharing and caring and learn to play, read and write through group activities. The tiny tots demonstrate basic gross motor skills like jumping, running and climbing and fine motor skills like drawing, painting and building blocks. Children start exploring, observing and describing various experiences and begin learning to make simple predictions.

Pre Primary education helps to nurture a child’s mind as well as grow into a healthy, socially well adjusted child and individual.