The running of a club works best when it stems from the interest or a hobby of the budding young minds.
There are many areas where learning can be unbridled and unhooked from books. With the idea that every individual has inborntalent, Aadharshila Vidyapeeth taps this valued facet with the certainty of responsibility and care.
To ensure that all our students have an access tovarious clubs and enhance their competitive skills, We at Aadharshila Vidyapeeth extend a comprehensive series of clubs that cater to the needs of the children of all levels at the school.
Lit Worms– The English club is a gateway to knowledge. It plays a vital role in enhancing language skills and inculcate in students the significance of reading, writing, imagination and creativity. The club activities like debate, declamations, extempore andstory telling help students to channelize their energies more constructively.

SRIJAN– The Srijan Club creates ample opportunities for the students to polish their language skills by giving them best opportunities to participate in the extensive range of well–designed activities such as Hindi Vaad Vivad Pratiyogita, Kavita Vaachan, Doha Vaachan. The engrossing sessions of the club help students to have a command over pronunciation, vocal expressions and voice modulation.

The Mathematical club organises activities to sharpen the mathematical skills and acumen of the children. A plethora of activities like Maths Quiz, Puzzle games, Mathematics Model, Skits, Role Play, Mathematical Brochure are often conducted to encourage students to excel in their mathematical expressions and arithmetic calculations.

The Ecoclub aims at spreading awareness and inculcate in students the spirit of ‘Go Green’. The club celebrates Earth day, Environment Day, Vanmohatsave week, World Health Day through a myriad of fun filled activities such as slogan writing on Climate Change, Debate and Discussion, Science Symposium. The need of the ailing planet Earth calls for Green Warriors of the school to be more Sensitive towards the environment.

The Social Avenue club inculcates a sense of ‘being social’ in the young minds by expanding their awareness and encouraging them to actively spearhead initiatives that support social causes. The club takes numerous steps to create an element of pride in students for rich legacy of our history and culture.

The Cyber club brings together tech–minded students to explore and apply their potential of being ‘IT expert’ and encourage them to move with the pace of technologically driven society.

The club facilitates the young innovates to express their artistic skills. The inspired illustrators are encouraged to hone their skills, and creative expressions to the best of their potential.

Music helps to harmonize one’s inner self with nature and God. Thus, it imparts ecstatic joy, peace and freshness to the mind and soul. Keeping this benefit in view students are given education in Music (both vocal as well as instrumental) by well-trained, expert teachers. Our school choir has secured many prizes in competitions held by the Directorate of Education and by various cultural organizations in this capital city.

Nrityanjali club boosts up the morale of the performers and highlights the talent of dancers with expressions. The club provides a platform to the vibrant students to showcase their passion and excel in various cultural events and competitions conducted at various levels.

At Aadharshila, Kreativ Club introduces the global classroom to the students of the German Club. The Kreativ Club provides a great opportunity to its members to participate in the activities that incorporate the language and the culture of Germany.