Aadharshila Vidyapeeth breaks trends of sorts and ventures into unexplored areas. Fighting for the cause of Garbage Management, a workshop was organized on the same theme in Aadharshila Vidyapeeth on Monday, i.e. 30 April 2019 in the school’s auditorium. The spokesperson, expressed his views on how to segregate biodegradable waste from non-biodegradable waste. He talked about the bad effects of throwing sharp, incisive instruments in waste like needles, blades, injections and glass pieces as they may harm animals and rag pickers both. Then he talked about Recycle, Reduce and Reuse plastic waste. Polythene bags are another deterrent which does let waste decompose properly. Let us instead gift paper bags or plants on birthdays and anniversaries. The spokesperson then took up a volley of questions and answered the queries of children satisfactorily.